It is well known that grocery shopping can be quite expensive. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American household spends $4942, about $425 monthly on food and groceries.
And after the coronavirus pandemic, the cost of grocery shopping has gone up dramatically over the last few months, and it will only get worse.
That’s why finding ways to save money in grocery stores can be crucial to your expenses and financial well-being.
With these 13 best tips, you can make sure that your hard-earned money doesn’t go down the drain while shopping, and you can save money on grocery stores. Let’s get started.
13 Best Ways To Save Money On Grocery Stores
1. Use Cashback Apps
Cashback apps are one of the most effective ways to save money in grocery stores. These apps provide you with in-store deals and coupons through their mobile app, which you can use to save money on the grocery store. These reward apps are a reliable way to make the most out of your hard-earned money and save money in grocery stores.
2. Use the right form of payment
When you’re shopping, it’s important to use the right form of payment. Carrying cash can be a big mistake when you’re trying to save money on groceries. Cash tends to be more expensive than credit or debit cards, so using your card will help keep costs down. If you do carry cash, make sure it is in small denominations. This way, you don’t have to spend money on change when paying for items at checkout.
3. Clip coupons
Clipping coupons may seem like a lot of work at first glance, but it’s one of the easiest ways to save money on groceries. You can find coupons online or in print publications like newspapers and magazines. The best part about clipping coupons is that they don’t expire — meaning that once you clip them and add them to your wallet or purse, they’ll be ready when needed!
4. Ignore coupon expiration dates.
Coupons are a great way to save money on groceries, but most coupons have an expiration date. However, grocery stores don’t always strictly enforce these dates. So what happens when your coupon expires? You can still use it if the item is on sale. If you have a coupon for a specific item and it goes on sale after the expiration date passes, you can still use your expired coupon because it will be considered “good as cash” at checkout!
This tip works even if the store doesn’t accept expired coupons (which is rare). Most grocery stores will honor expired coupons if they’ve been paid for by cash or check before they expire!
5. Make use of your store’s price-matching policy.
Price matching is when a store will match the price of an item at another retailer. You can find your grocery store’s policy on their website or ask a store employee for help.
6. Eat before going to the grocery store.
This is the best way to save money in grocery stores and will help you stick to a healthier diet. You’ll be less tempted to buy unhealthy snacks or other items when your stomach is full, especially if you’re in a rush or don’t have time to stop for lunch. If this isn’t an option, drink some water before heading out, so your hunger isn’t as strong.
7. Don’t buy stuff just because it’s on sale
- Don’t buy stuff just because it’s on sale.
- Buy only what you need.
- Make sure you can use up all the food before it expires, or freeze what you don’t want to eat immediately.
8. Use a cashback credit card at the supermarket.
Using a credit card at the supermarket is one of the easiest ways to save money. You can’t always use your debit card to get cash back, but all major credit cards offer cash back rewards on grocery store purchases. The best part is that you don’t have to remember anything—the cashback will be automatically applied when you pay off your balance (which should happen within two months of receiving it).
Here are some tips for getting started:
- Sign up for a credit card with rewards. If you haven’t used a credit card in a while, check out our list of recommendations before signing up for another one. We’ve also got information on how much each type of reward might cost if you’re trying to decide whether or not it’s worth it for your situation.
- Use your new rewards by shopping at grocery stores and drugstores (and gas stations!). To help figure out which ones work best for this purpose, we’ve created an interactive table with detailed information about popular store cards’ cashback bonuses and spending restrictions—it even includes those from our list above!
9. Pick up your groceries curbside.
Pick up your groceries curbside. Grocery stores are starting to offer curbside pickup, which means an employee will bring your order to you at the store, so you don’t have to worry about loading it into your car yourself. This is an especially convenient option for people who don’t have time to shop or don’t have vehicle access.
Some stores charge for this service, but others do not. Many grocery chains allow customers to place their orders online and pick up their groceries curbside when they arrive at the store (usually within 20 minutes).
10. Ask for a rain check when the store runs out of an item on sale.
If you can’t find the item on sale, ask for a rain check. A rain check is good for up to 30 days and allows you to purchase the item at the sale price when it becomes available again.
You can also use your rain check to purchase something else at the sale price if an item in stock isn’t working for you. For example, if there are two items on sale but only one works with what you’ve got in mind, ask whether they’ll honor their other discount while still allowing you to use another coupon (or two) on another item that doesn’t have as much of a markdown.”
11. Be on the lookout for free samples, too.
Free samples are another great way to save money on groceries. You can find them in grocery stores, restaurants, and home improvement stores. If you’re unsure if a product is right for you before buying it, free samples are a great way to try something new without spending a dime.
12. Stick to your list — and don’t go grocery shopping too often.
Stick to your list — and don’t go grocery shopping too often.
People often get caught in the “I need to go grocery shopping because I have no food in the house” trap, which leads them to buy more than they need. And this can lead to unnecessary spending on non-food items (think: expensive organic produce) that you might use only once or twice before it goes bad. The solution? Make lists of what you want, then stick with them when it comes time for another trip. If you see something on sale that’s not on your list and doesn’t match up with one of your recipes or meal plans, just give yourself a coupon instead!
13. Consider meal planning in advance, or buy products that can last for days or weeks.
Planning meals in advance are one of the easiest ways to save money at the grocery store. It also helps you make healthier choices since you’ll be more likely to buy foods based on what you need instead of choosing whatever’s cheapest or most convenient.
The first step is finding some recipes that work for your family. You can use a website like Allrecipes or Pinterest or scour cookbooks from your collection (or borrow them from the library). Just be sure that all ingredients are ones that everyone likes—you don’t want to be stuck with expensive ingredients no one wants to eat! Once you’ve chosen several recipes, write out a weekly meal plan using those recipes as inspiration. Jot down each day’s menu along with any necessary grocery items (like fresh produce) and do some quick math for projected expenses for each week so you’ll know how much money will be needed before heading out to shop.
You can save money on groceries by planning ahead and strategic shopping.
- Planning and strategizing are important if you want to save money on groceries.
- Making a grocery list is the first step in saving money. Before shopping, make sure you have a list of all the items you need. The longer your list is, the more likely it will be that you’ll get everything on sale or at its lowest price point.
- Another way to save money on groceries is by making sure that you eat before going grocery shopping so that hunger pangs don’t make you impulse-buy things like junk food or soda when they’re not necessarily in your budget right now (and definitely not worth how much they cost!).
- Don’t fall prey to marketing tricks! Prices may seem low because stores are trying to make themselves appear affordable. Still, only if they’re compared against higher prices elsewhere—so while one store might seem cheaper overall than another nearby one, this doesn’t mean it is cheaper for everyone who shops there regularly (or even once!). It’s also important not only to keep an eye out for sales but also to know what prices should look like without sales being advertised yet—as well as to keep track of which ones offer such discounts consistently enough for them to be worth seeking out regularly rather than just temporarily offering them randomly throughout each year.”
If you’re looking to save money on groceries, planning and strategic shopping can go a long way. Make a grocery list, stick to it, and don’t shop too often. You might also want to take advantage of your store’s price-matching policy or download an app that finds deals for you. These tips will help you spend less time in the store and more time enjoying what matters most: spending time with family and friends!